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I cannot say I’m musically gifted, but I do enjoy writing songs. Sometimes I’m inspired as I pluck at the guitar or tap the keys of the piano. Other times it’s a mood or a message I wish to convey, and the song is born from there. And still other times, I jot a silly song, commonly as an outlet. Some of these can be found midst the notebooks of handwritten pages of my novels. When I come upon them, I smile that secret pirate grin to myself (b/c my sense of humor is not really that funny, except to me...) or I laugh outright. –It’s good, I think, that I can amuse myself.



 "I Believe"
a fable in song for Cindy, on her birthday / written by Marianne Puechl

 Once there was a dreamer with wild blue eyes,
And she raced herself through every day and stood there at the edge.
-An artist of colors, she tried to learn to fly,
But she found out that alone she couldn’t carry it that far...

Well, heartache after heartache, you know, it wore her down.
And her dreams became like stepping stones that kept her on the ground.
She wasn’t sure where she was going, and her eyes were not so wild,
But she looked back in the mirror and she sang to make them shine:

I believe in you,
I believe in where we’re going.
I believe in you,
I believe in what we’re dreaming.
I believe in you,
I believe.

Once upon a time there lived another dreamer.
Now this one had the sight to see for miles and miles and miles.
She knew there was a heart out there, that matched up with her own.
So she started on her quest to find a way to meet truelove.

She crossed hills and valleys far and wide and she would not slow down,
And she peered into the distance and put her ear there to the ground.
She knew her Truelove was hurting and tired of being alone,
So this dreamer sat by firelight and called across the miles:

I believe in you,
I believe in where we’re going.
I believe in you,
I believe in what we’re dreaming.
I believe in you,
I believe.

Well you know these dreamers met one day and fell in love,
’Cause that’s the way that this old world turns.
Sometimes we might lose Hope, but it doesn’t mean we’re lost,
And the fires keep on burning and our dreams will lead us home.

The lovers are together now but sometimes it still gets hard.
And they recall the words that brought them here and help remind them who they are.
They whisper to each other, and they call out to the wind,
To keep the fires of Hope alive for others who begin...

I believe in you,
I believe in where we’re going.
I believe in you,
I believe in what we’re dreaming.
I believe in you,
I Believe.

